Spot and Tango Dog Food Review


Spot and Tango needs details about your pet, such as their sex, neutered status, breed, body type, current weight, and target weight, to calculate the precise number of calories your dog should have in each meal.

Is Spot and Tango good for dogs?

Yes! Spot and Tango employments entirety, human-grade fixings rather than meat suppers, powders, and counterfeit fillers and additives. In the event that you’re as of now bolstering your canine big-brand kibble, Spot and Tango will nearly certainly be a dietary overhaul.

Spot and Tango: At a glance

Formulas outlined by board-certified veterinary nutritionist Dr. Susan Lauten, Ph.D., to deliver your pooch everything they require for a sound lifestyle Human-grade fixings are slow

 -cooked and flash-frozen whereas new to protect dietary value Two sorts of nourishment to select from:

 new nourishment (for a damp surface) and UnKibble (in the event that your puppy favors a crunchy texture) Customizable feast plans custom

 made to your dog’s wellbeing, weight, and breed Option to blend new nourishment with current slim down or switch totally to Spot and Tango Meals cooked in USDA- & FDA

 approved kitchens in Modern York and Wisconsin Automatic, free conveyance in completely protects and biodegradable packaging Meal parcels vacuum

 sealed in BPA-free bundles that lie level for simple storage Two-week trial incorporates a money

 back ensure in case your puppy doesn’t like their Spot and Tango suppers.

Spot and Tango review

Spot and Tango could be a locally sourced new puppy nourishment membership benefit that makes personalized feast plans based on the breed, weight, wellness, vitality levels, and wellbeing issues of each person canine it serves.

The company pre-portions its suppers to guarantee your puppy gets the exact wholesome levels they need each day without any additional work from you. You’ll be able too note any restorative issues you’re attempting to address, so the company can prescribe dinners that suit your dog’s needs.

Using formulas curated by veterinary nutritionists, Spot and Tango plans its new pooch food in USDA- and FDA-approved kitchens here within the Joined together States. Their suppers combine entirety meats, new vegetables, and high-quality carbohydrates to supply your puppy with a more healthfully wealthy count calories than customary kibble affords.

Spot and Tango has too created Unkibble, so you’ll allow your canine a dry nourishment slim down free from the manufactured additives and empty fillers most commercial kibbles include. All of Spot and Tango’s recipes meet the AAFCO nutritional requirements for all dog life stages.

What we like

• Healthy: real, fresh ingredients instead of 12-month-old kibble.
• Precise: nutritionally balanced meals prepared in FDA-certified kitchen by animal nutritionists.
• Convenient: regular delivery in environmentally-friendly packaging. No more last-minute trips to the pet store.
• Variety: Two food types and six recipes to choose from.
• Treats!: Option to include high-quality treats as a part of your subscription.
• Extras: Unkibble comes with a specialized scoop just for your dog.
• Crunch: Unkibble isn’t as good as Fresh, but it’s still a big upgrade from the most common store-bought brands.
• Toppers: You can subscribe to a partial Topper planto mix food with your dog’s current diet (to save money or just to make a picky eater’s kibble more interesting.



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