How to teach your cat to close the door

Learn How to Teach Your Cat to Close the Door: 7 Fun and Easy Steps. Cats are known for their independent nature, but did you know you can teach your cat to do tricks? One surprising skill is teaching them to close the door! It’s a quirky yet useful behavior that can impress your friends or keep your home energy-efficient. Want to know the secret? With patience, consistency, and a little motivation (hint: treats), your cat can learn how to be your own personal doorman—or door-cat, in this case. Let’s dive into some practical steps that will help you teach your feline friend this new trick.

Understanding Why Cats Can Learn Tricks

Teaching a cat tricks may seem like a daunting task, but cats are clever creatures capable of learning more than you think. While they might not be as eager to please as dogs, cats can be motivated by treats, praise, and curiosity. By tapping into their instincts and natural curiosity, you can teach them to close the door.

Cats love to play and explore, so any activity that engages their mind and rewards their behavior is a great learning opportunity. Teaching your cat to close the door is not just a fun trick, but it can also help strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

The Tools You’ll Need for Success

Before you start, gather a few basic items to make the training process smoother:

  • Treats: High-value treats that your cat loves are essential.
  • Clicker: If you’ve trained your cat with clicker training before, this can help.
  • Patience: As with all animal training, patience is key.

Make sure you have these items on hand before starting. You want your cat to associate closing the door with something positive.

Start with Basic Commands

Before jumping straight into teaching your cat to close the door, make sure they understand some basic commands like “sit” or “come.” If your cat has mastered a simple trick, it will be much easier to teach them more complex behaviors, such as door-closing.

Begin by getting your cat’s attention with a treat. Once they’re focused, move on to more complex tasks. If your cat has already been exposed to some level of training, they’ll pick up this new trick faster.

Create a Positive Association with the Door

The key to teaching your cat how to close the door is making the door an interesting object. Start by encouraging your cat to interact with the door in a playful way. This could involve tapping it with their paw or even gently nudging it with their head.

Open and close the door a few times while rewarding them with treats for showing any interest. Over time, this positive reinforcement will make your cat more inclined to engage with the door willingly.

Use Treats as Motivation

Like any training session, motivation is the name of the game. Treats are the most reliable way to get your cat to participate, and they can act as the perfect incentive to get your feline to follow your command.

Hold a treat near the edge of the door. Once your cat touches the door or makes any movement toward closing it, give them the treat. Repeat this several times until they understand that touching the door equals rewards. Over time, you can slowly increase the challenge, making them do a little more to earn their treat.

Introduce a Command for Door Closing

Once your cat starts engaging with the door, it’s time to introduce a verbal command. Something as simple as “close the door” or “door” can work. The key is consistency; always use the same word or phrase when you want your cat to close the door.

Say the command as soon as your cat touches the door. Over time, they’ll begin to associate the phrase with the action. Remember to keep praising and rewarding your cat whenever they succeed.

Be Consistent with Your Training

Training a cat to close the door is all about repetition. Practice the behavior multiple times a day but keep the sessions short. Cats have short attention spans, so training for 5-10 minutes per session is more effective than long, drawn-out lessons.

how to teach your cat to close the door
how to teach your cat to close the door

Make sure to keep a routine. If you can, train at the same time every day so your cat starts to anticipate the session. With time and persistence, they’ll begin to understand what you expect from them.

Gradually Reduce Treats Over Time

At the beginning of the training process, you’ll rely heavily on treats to keep your cat motivated. However, as your cat starts to master the trick, it’s important to wean them off constant rewards. Gradually reduce the frequency of treats, but continue to praise your cat for their efforts. Over time, your cat will close the door without needing treats every single time, making this behavior a natural part of their routine.

Practice in Different Settings

Once your cat gets the hang of closing the door in a single room, practice in other locations. This could include different rooms in the house or even different types of doors. Cats can be finicky about changes in their environment, so introducing variety will reinforce the behavior and help solidify the command in their mind.

Training in different settings will also keep your cat engaged and prevent them from getting bored with the process.

Troubleshooting Common Challenges

Is your cat being stubborn or not catching on as quickly as you’d like? That’s normal! Cats have independent streaks, and training can take time. If your cat is losing interest, consider switching up their treats or taking a break and resuming the next day.

Make sure you’re not rushing the process. Cats learn at their own pace, so be patient and encouraging throughout the journey.

Enjoy the Benefits of a Well-Trained Cat

Teaching your cat to close the door is not just a fun party trick, but it can also be practical. Whether you’re looking to keep a draft out, conserve energy, or just show off to your friends, a cat who can close the door is impressive! With consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement, you and your feline companion can achieve this unique feat. So, grab some treats, start training, and watch your cat surprise you with their smarts.


1. How long does it take to teach a cat to close the door?

It depends on your cat’s personality and how often you train. Some cats may pick up the trick within a week, while others might take a month or more.

2. Can all cats learn how to close the door?

Yes, with the right motivation and consistency, most cats can learn. However, some cats may require more patience than others.

3. What should I do if my cat isn’t interested in training?

Try using different types of treats or toys to see what grabs your cat’s attention. If they still aren’t interested, take a break and come back to the training later.

4. Is clicker training necessary for teaching my cat to close the door?

Clicker training isn’t necessary, but it can help reinforce the behavior by providing an immediate sound that signals a reward.

5. What kind of door works best for teaching this trick?

A lightweight door that your cat can easily push closed with their paw or nose is ideal for training. Sliding or heavy doors may be more challenging.


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