12 Things Cats Hate the Most

12 Things Cats Hate the Most


12 Things Cats Hate the Most
12 Things Cats Hate the Most

 Things Cats Hate the Most

Interesting funny cats. I like the action of getting into things


Adorable Cats Compilation

Serval Let’s start off with easily one of the most exotic cats out there, the Serval. You’d be forgiven for not knowing about this special cat, as it’s from Africa. But what I told you that the Serval is actually pretty popular in the US as a pet? It’s true. 13. Peterbald Here’s a unique cat that will make you do a double take. the Peterbald are a species of cat that are found mostly in Russia, and have a trait of not having hair. So they’re quite literally bald cats. Though, to be fair, not all of them are bald, some do get hair, but they do often lose it. 12. Korat Though cats are accepted in most cultures in the world, that doesn’t mean they don’t get their fair share of superstitions attached to them. A black cat for example can be viewed as bad luck, but also, there are good luck cats. One of which is the Korat. 11. Caracals Heading back to the exotic kinds of cats, the Caracals is one that is both stunning to look at, and is very interesting in terms of how it acts. You see, Caracals are a type of Lynx, another exotic cat that has been known to have some aggressive tendencies at times. Because of this, you might think that the Caracals are the same , but you would be wrong. 10. The Norwegian Forest Cat Here’s a cat story you might like. The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed of cat that is very popular in Europe. However, during World War II, this particular cat was almost made extinct. It survived however due to the efforts of the Norwegian Forest Cat Club. 9. Serengeti Sometimes, you’re not born into the world an original, you’re created, and cats have been breed that way for a long time believe it or not. A great example of this is the Serengeti. This species is a recent addition to the cat world, as they were “developed” in the 1990’s by crossing the Bengal and Oriental Shorthair species. 8. Ocelot Ocelot’s are one of the more known exotic species of cats in the world. Mainly because they’re gorgeous, and people have tried to make them pets for quite some time…with mixed results. Have you ever seen Archer? Yeah, that’s a good example of how not to raise an Ocelot. 7.  Ragamuffin While this may have an odd name, the Ragamuffin is surprising unique in terms of other cats. This particular breed was only recognized in 2003, but has taken the cat world by storm since then. It’s a mix of specials including the Ragdoll and certain breeds of street cat, but when you look and touch its fur and see its eyes, it’s clear how special it is. 6. Geoffroy’s Cat From a rather big domestic cat to a very small exotic one, let’s talk about Geoffroy’s Cat. No, this isn’t a cat owned by a specific person, but a whole species, and one that measure in as one of the smallest cats on Earth, to the extent that when they’re fully grown they only weight at max eight pounds. 5. California Spangled Developed in the US at the “urging” of anthropologist Louis Leaky, the California Spangled is now one of the rarest cats in the world today. Proving that even cat breeds can go out of style. As you can see, the California Spangled was made to resemble the cats of Africa. 4. British Shorthair It’s well known that cats live long lives, and have been around for a VERY long time. But this species is one of the oldest known cat breeds ever, the British Shorthair. This cat is so revered in the UK that it’s inspired many things, not the least of which was the look of the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. Plus, it’s the most pedigreed breed in the country. 3. Turkish Van This one deserves a special spot on my list because of its unique fur and personality. Anyone who’s raised a cat knows that though they drink water, they don’t bathe in it, right? And only jungle cats will swim in water, right? Wrong! Meet, the Turkish. 2. Egyptian Mau Another cat that looks like a jungle cat, the Egyptian Mau is unique because its spots are actually natural to it. No breeding or development required. But that’s only the start of what makes this cat so special. 1. Bombay If you have been paying attention, you’ll have noticed that people really want miniaturized versions of wild big cats like Lynxs, bobcats, jaguars, lions, etc. Another cat that people have apparently wanted to “miniaturize” is the panther. And because of that, the Bombay was breed.







The 10 Most Intelligent Cat Breeds Ever




12 Things Cats Hate the Most




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